Choose the correct answer. 1. she quit her job and started writing poetry. a) away b) back c) up 2. ill hand over the

Choose the correct answer. 1. she quit her job and started writing poetry. a) away b) back c) up 2. ill hand over the keys to you tomorrow morning. a) away b) back c) up 3. we have 1000 cds to distribute to our readers. a) away b) back c) up 4. how are you going to deal with your problems? a) for b) of c) with 5. shes a good teacher who has command of her class. a) in b) of c) with 6. the city is renowned for its museums. a) for b) of c) in 7. he is working on a book about childcare. a) at b) of c) on

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b) of c) with 7. i apologize for my mistake. a) at b) for c) to 8. i will meet you at the library. a) in b) on c) at 9. he is interested in learning new languages. a) at b) in c) on 10. she is allergic to cats. a) at b) in c) to

1. The correct answer is b) back. The phrase «quit her job» suggests that she left her job and started a new career, so the word «back» doesn’t make sense in this context. The word «away» also doesn’t make sense because it implies movement or distance, which isn’t mentioned in the sentence. «Quit her job» implies that she left her job voluntarily, so «up» doesn’t fit either.
2. The correct answer is b) back. The phrase «hand over» means to transfer or give something to someone else. In this context, the phrase implies that the speaker will give the keys to the other person, so the word «back» makes sense. The word «up» doesn’t fit because it implies movement or a change in position, which isn’t mentioned in the sentence. The word «away» doesn’t fit because it implies the keys are being taken or moved somewhere else, which isn’t mentioned in the sentence.
3. The correct answer is a) away. The phrase «distribute to our readers» suggests that the CDs will be given out to the readers, so the word «away» makes sense. The word «back» doesn’t fit because it implies that the CDs were returned or brought back, which isn’t mentioned in the sentence. The word «up» doesn’t fit because it implies movement or a change in position, which isn’t mentioned in the sentence.
4. The correct answer is c) with. The phrase «deal with» means to handle or manage something, so the word «with» makes sense. The word «for» doesn’t fit because it implies that the problems are being done on behalf of someone else or for their benefit, which isn’t mentioned in the sentence. The word «of» doesn’t fit because it implies ownership or possession, which doesn’t make sense in this context.
5. The correct answer is b) of. The phrase «command of» means to have control or authority over something, so the word «of» makes sense. The word «in» doesn’t fit because it implies being inside something, which isn’t mentioned in the sentence. The word «with» doesn’t fit because it implies having an association or connection, which isn’t the intended meaning in this context.
6. The correct answer is a) for. The word «renowned» means famous or well-known for something, so the word «for» makes sense. The word «of» doesn’t fit because it implies ownership or possession, which isn’t the intended meaning in this context. The word «with» doesn’t fit because it implies having an association or connection, which isn’t mentioned in the sentence.
7. The correct answer is b) for. The word «apologize for» means to say sorry or express regret for something, so the word «for» makes sense. The word «at» doesn’t fit because it implies location or a specific point in time, which isn’t the intended meaning in this context. The word «to» doesn’t fit because it implies movement or direction, which isn’t mentioned in the sentence.
8. The correct answer is c) at. The phrase «meet at» means to come together or gather at a specific location, so the word «at» makes sense. The word «in» doesn’t fit because it implies being inside something, which isn’t the intended meaning in this context. The word «on» doesn’t fit because it implies being on top of something or a specific day, which isn’t the intended meaning in this context.
9. The correct answer is b) in. The phrase «interested in» means having a desire or curiosity about something, so the word «in» makes sense. The word «at» doesn’t fit because it implies location or a specific point in time, which isn’t the intended meaning in this context. The word «on» doesn’t fit because it implies being on top of something or a specific day, which isn’t mentioned in the sentence.
10. The correct answer is c) to. The word «allergic to» means having a negative reaction or sensitivity towards something, so the word «to» makes sense. The word «at» doesn’t fit because it implies location or a specific point in time, which isn’t the intended meaning in this context. The word «in» doesn’t fit because it implies being inside something, which isn’t mentioned in the sentence.

It is important to note that the correct answers may vary depending on the context and intended meaning of a sentence. The explanations provided here are based on the most common and appropriate use of the words in the given sentences.

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