1 The constitution of the United Kingdom consists of … . 2 … exercises the executive power. 3 … serves as the supreme

1 The constitution of the United Kingdom consists of … .
2 … exercises the executive power.
3 … serves as the supreme legislative body of the United Kingdom.
4 The United Kingdom lacks a single unified judicial system.
5 The core principle of common law is … .
6 Britain is divided into … for electoral purposes.
7 General elections happen on … .
8 The UK operates as a multi-party system and it is+

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9 The monarch has a largely ceremonial role in the UK, meaning that they do not have much political power.
10 The Prime Minister is the head of government in the UK, and they are responsible for making policy decisions and running the country.
11 The House of Commons is made up of Members of Parliament (MPs) who are elected by the public in general elections.
12 The House of Lords is the upper chamber of Parliament and is made up of appointed and hereditary members, including life peers, bishops, and the hereditary nobility.
13 The judiciary in the UK is independent from the other branches of government and is responsible for interpreting and applying the law.
14 The UK has a long history of constitutional monarchy, meaning that there is a monarch who is the head of state and a separate elected government that runs the day-to-day affairs of the country.
15 The UK is made up of four constituent countries: England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. Each country has its own devolved government with varying levels of legislative and executive power.
16 The UK is a member of the United Nations, NATO, the G7, the Commonwealth of Nations, and the European Union (although it has now left the EU).
17 The UK has a mixed economy, meaning that it combines elements of a free market economy with some government intervention and regulation.
18 The UK has a strong tradition of respect for the rule of law and individual rights, including freedom of speech, assembly, and religion.
19 The education system in the UK is divided into primary education (ages 5-11), secondary education (ages 11-16), and further education (ages 16+), including universities and colleges.
20 The UK has a rich cultural heritage, including literature, music, theater, and sports such as football, rugby, and cricket.
21 The UK has a parliamentary system of government, meaning that the executive branch is accountable to the legislative branch and can be removed from power through a vote of no confidence.
22 The UK has a welfare state, meaning that the government provides a range of social welfare programs, including healthcare, education, housing, and support for those in need.
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