1. Its such a hot day. (I wont go for a swim) 2. Youre too tired now. (Ill do my homework tomorrow) 3. You forgot to

1. Its such a hot day. (I wont go for a swim)
2. Youre too tired now. (Ill do my homework tomorrow)
3. You forgot to phone Ann. (Ill phone her now)
4. Its late evening. (I wont drink coffee)
5. Its scorching in Africa during the summer. (I wont go on holidays there)
6. You have a lot of work to do. (I wont go out)

Пошаговый ответ:

1. It’s such a hot day, which means that the weather is very warm. Because of the hot weather, the person speaking decides not to go swimming. Swimming requires being in water, and when it’s hot outside, it can make the person feel even hotter. Therefore, they choose not to go swimming in order to avoid feeling uncomfortable in the heat.

2. The person being addressed is feeling tired at the moment. They might have been working or doing some other activities that have exhausted them. Due to their tiredness, they decide to delay doing their homework until the next day. They believe that by resting and getting a good night’s sleep, they will be able to concentrate better on their homework and complete it more effectively.

3. The speaker is telling someone that they forgot to make a phone call to their friend named Ann. Realizing their mistake, they decide to rectify the situation immediately and make the phone call right away. By doing so, they show their intention to apologize for forgetting and to maintain their connection with their friend.

4. The time is late in the evening. It can be assumed that it’s nearing bedtime or during a time when people generally wind down and relax. Even though the person might enjoy drinking coffee, they make a decision not to have any at that particular moment. The reason behind this decision could be that the caffeine in coffee might interfere with their ability to fall asleep or have a good quality sleep.

5. Africa is known for having extremely high temperatures during the summer season. It can be very hot and uncomfortable to spend time in such scorching conditions. Because of this, the person decides not to plan a holiday in Africa during this period. They may want to avoid the extreme heat and choose a destination with a more moderate climate for their vacation.

6. The individual mentioned has a significant amount of work that needs to be completed. They likely have multiple tasks or assignments that require their attention and focus. Given the workload, they decide not to go out or socialize. This is a responsible choice as it shows their commitment to completing their work and prioritizing their responsibilities over leisure activities.

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