1) At what time does Jill watch the news every evening? 2) How many times has the volcano chaser visited Hawaii so

1) At what time does Jill watch the news every evening?
2) How many times has the volcano chaser visited Hawaii so far?
3) What did Kate watch last night?
4) What was Andy doing when the explosion woke him up?
5) How long have the rescuers been working in the abandoned area?
6) What do I not mind doing with second hand items?
7) Is there any hope of finding his belongings in the rubble?
8) What will I do with the T-shirt since it suits me?
9) What will they have finished by this time next month?
10) Why will Tracy return the CD player?
11) What should we do at the homeless shelter?
12) What would I do if I were you?
13) Who was given an award for helping street children?
14) What will happen if we do not stop deforestation?
15) How many tourists visit Paris each year?
16) Who really enjoyed themselves at the music festival last week?
17) Are there any haunted buildings in London, England?
18) Do you believe in ghosts?
19) What did Mike say to her?
20) What did Jill tell Fiona about the video clip?
21) When did Tony say he would hand in his assignment?

Пошаговый ответ:

Тема: Вопросы в английском языке и их ответы.

Объяснение: В английском языке, чтобы задать вопрос, мы используем различные вопросительные слова (who, what, when, where, why, how) и инверсию (перестановку порядка слов). Вопросы могут быть разных типов: информационные, альтернативные, разделительные и т.д. Для каждого вопроса важно понимать, какую информацию вы хотите получить, чтобы правильно сформулировать вопрос.

Пример использования:
1) At what time does Jill watch the news every evening?
*Jill watches the news every evening at 6:30 PM.*

2) How many times has the volcano chaser visited Hawaii so far?
*The volcano chaser has visited Hawaii 10 times so far.*

3) What did Kate watch last night?
*Kate watched a documentary about wildlife last night.*

4) What was Andy doing when the explosion woke him up?
*Andy was sleeping when the explosion woke him up.*

5) How long have the rescuers been working in the abandoned area?
*The rescuers have been working in the abandoned area for three days.*

6) What do I not mind doing with second-hand items?
*You do not mind buying second-hand items.*

7) Is there any hope of finding his belongings in the rubble?
*There is little hope of finding his belongings in the rubble.*

8) What will I do with the T-shirt since it suits me?
*You will keep the T-shirt since it suits you.*

9) What will they have finished by this time next month?
*They will have finished renovating the house by this time next month.*

10) Why will Tracy return the CD player?
*Tracy will return the CD player because it’s not working properly.*

Совет: Для формулировки вопросов важно знать, какие вопросительные слова использовать в зависимости от того, какую информацию вы хотите получить. Практика в создании и отвечении на вопросы поможет вам лучше понимать английский язык.

Упражнение: Сформулируйте вопросы по следующим предложениям:
1) She is going to the movies tonight.
2) They have visited New York several times.
3) The book on the shelf is mine.
4) He can play the guitar very well.
5) I bought a new car last month.

Теперь ты знаешь ответ, отправь другу:

Один комментарий

  1. 1) Когда Джилл каждый вечер смотрит новости?
    2) Сколько раз охотник за вулканами уже посещал Гавайи?
    3) Что Кейт смотрела вчера вечером?
    4) Что делал Энди, когда взрыв разбудил его?
    5) Как долго спасатели работают на заброшенной территории?
    6) Что мне не помеха.


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