1. She hadnt been to the North Pole until 2002. 2. They had never fought before they moved together. 3. He had never

1. She hadnt been to the North Pole until 2002.
2. They had never fought before they moved together.
3. He had never broken anything before he started to crawl.
4. When we arrived, we discovered that the bus had left.
5. When I called, she had gone to sleep.
6. Ashley had never met him, so she wanted more details.
7. He had never kissed a girl, so he was embarrassed.
8. Patrick had saved a lot of money before he bought the house.
9. They had gone some place because they were not there when I arrived.
10. It was too late because the car had been sold to someone else.
11. You said you had been to Turkey 5 times.
12. They told us they had painted the entire apartment.
13. The boss told us he had hired some new staff.
14. Jason and Amy had eaten before they came to see you.
15. I had had all the papers, but I had lost them.

Пошаговый ответ:

Тема: Времена прошедшего совершенного времени (Past Perfect Tense)

Объяснение: Время Past Perfect используется, чтобы выразить действие, которое произошло до определенного момента в прошлом. В этом времени используется глагол «had» в сочетании с третьей формой глагола (прошедшим совершенным временем).

1. She hadn’t been to the North Pole until 2002. (Она не была на Северном полюсе до 2002 года.)
2. They had never fought before they moved together. (Они никогда не ссорились, пока не переехали вместе.)
3. He had never broken anything before he started to crawl. (Он никогда ничего не разбивал, пока не начал ползать.)
4. When we arrived, we discovered that the bus had left. (Когда мы приехали, мы обнаружили, что автобус уже ушел.)
5. When I called, she had gone to sleep. (Когда я позвонил, она уже легла спать.)
6. Ashley had never met him, so she wanted more details. (Ашли никогда не встречала его, поэтому ей нужны были дополнительные сведения.)
7. He had never kissed a girl, so he was embarrassed. (Он никогда не целовал девушку, поэтому он был смущен.)
8. Patrick had saved a lot of money before he bought the house. (Патрик накопил много денег, прежде чем купил дом.)
9. They had gone some place because they were not there when I arrived. (Они ушли куда-то, потому что их не было, когда я приехал.)
10. It was too late because the car had been sold to someone else. (Было уже поздно, потому что машина была продана кому-то другому.)
11. You said you had been to Turkey 5 times. (Ты сказал, что был в Турции 5 раз.)
12. They told us they had painted the entire apartment. (Они сказали нам, что покрасили всю квартиру.)
13. The boss told us he had hired some new staff. (Босс сказал нам, что нанял новый персонал.)
14. Jason and Amy had eaten before they came to see you. (Джейсон и Эми поели, прежде чем прийти к тебе.)
15. I had had all the papers, but I had lost them. (У меня были все документы, но я их потерял.)

Совет: Время Past Perfect помогает установить последовательность событий в прошлом. Оно используется, когда необходимо указать, что одно действие произошло до другого в прошлом.

Упражнение: Перепишите следующие предложения, используя времена прошедшего совершенного времени (Past Perfect):

1. They arrived at the airport after the flight had already departed.
2. She found out about the surprise party before it happened.
3. He realized he had forgotten his wallet when he tried to pay for dinner.
4. We left the cinema after the movie had finished.
5. Sarah decided to buy a new phone after her old one had stopped working.

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