a) parent’s b) parents’ c) parents d) parent 7. The book is on the table and the pen is it. a) behind b) at c

a) parent’s b) parents’ c) parents d) parent 7. The book is on the table and the pen is it. a) behind b) at c) under d) in 8. There is a beautiful park the street. a) on b) at c) in d) by 9. My sister works a doctor. a) as b) like c) for d) with 10. Where is your friend? – He is the library. a) in b) at c) on d) under

Пошаговый ответ:

7. The correct answer is «d) in»

Explanation: In the sentence, it is mentioned that «The book is on the table and the pen is ____». Since the book is already on the table, it implies that the pen must be inside or in the table.

8. The correct answer is «c) in»

Explanation: In the sentence, it is mentioned that «There is a beautiful park ____ the street». When referring to the location of a park, we generally use the preposition «in» to indicate that it is situated within the boundaries of the street.

9. The correct answer is «a) as»

Explanation: In the sentence, it is mentioned that «My sister works ____ a doctor». In this context, the word «as» is used to indicate the profession or occupation someone is employed in.

10. The correct answer is «a) in»

Explanation: In the sentence, it is mentioned that «He is ____ the library». When referring to the location of someone, we generally use the preposition «in» to indicate that they are inside the library.

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