Explain the meaning of can (ability, permission, request, prohibition, possible action) in the provided sentences

Explain the meaning of can (ability, permission, request, prohibition, possible action) in the provided sentences.

Пошаговый ответ:

1. «I can swim.» — Here, «can» expresses ability. It means that the speaker has the skill or capability to swim.

2. «Can I go to the park?» — In this sentence, «can» is used to ask for permission. The speaker is asking if it is allowed or permitted for them to go to the park.

3. «Can you please help me with my homework?» — «Can» is used to make a request in this sentence. The speaker is asking the other person if they would be able and willing to help with their homework.

4. «You can’t enter this area without a ticket.» — In this sentence, «can’t» is used to indicate prohibition. It means that it is not allowed or permitted for someone to enter the area without a ticket.

5. «It can rain tomorrow.» — Here, «can» is used to express a possible action or event. It means that there is a possibility or likelihood of rain occurring tomorrow.

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