pay me. 1. A_ For one year, Susan attended a college to acquire typing skills. 2. B_ Successfully passing both exams

pay me.
1. A_ For one year, Susan attended a college to acquire typing skills.
2. B_ Successfully passing both exams, she received excellent grades.
3. C_ Residing with her parents, Susan embarked on the job search.
4. D_ Managed to secure a couple of employment opportunities.
5. E_ Demand to be informed of the salary offered for her potential position at the office.

Пошаговый ответ:

It seems that the given text is a series of sentences following Susan’s journey. We can infer that Susan attended college to learn typing skills, passed her exams successfully, and then started looking for a job. She managed to secure a couple of employment opportunities and is now interested in knowing the salary for her potential position at an office.

To find out the salary, Susan can follow these steps:

1. Research:
— Susan can start by researching the average salary for her potential position at offices in her area. This can be done through job search websites, salary surveys, or by networking with individuals in the same field.
— She should consider factors such as her level of experience, the industry she is targeting, and the location where the office is located. Salaries may vary depending on these factors.

2. Assess her skills and qualifications:
— It is important for Susan to evaluate her own skills and qualifications. If she possesses additional qualifications or experiences that could make her more valuable to employers, she might be able to negotiate a higher salary.
— Susan can make a list of her skills, education, certifications, and any relevant work experience. This will help her determine her value in the job market.

3. Consider the industry and company size:
— Different industries and company sizes may offer different salary ranges. Susan should research the salary trends in her specific industry and the size of companies she is interested in working for.
— Larger companies might have a more structured salary scale, while smaller companies might have more flexibility in negotiating salaries.

4. Evaluate the job description:
— Susan should carefully examine the job description provided by the potential employer. Sometimes, job postings mention the salary range or benefits offered.
— If the job description does not list the salary, Susan can look for keywords such as «competitive salary,» «negotiable,» or «commensurate with experience.» These phrases indicate that the salary might be open to negotiation.

5. Negotiation:
— Once Susan has gathered sufficient information about the average salary range for her position, her qualifications, and the specific company, she can enter into salary negotiations.
— She should be prepared to discuss her skills, experience, and the value she can bring to the company. Susan can use her research to justify her salary requirements and negotiate for a fair and reasonable wage.

Overall, it is important for Susan to conduct thorough research, evaluate her own qualifications, consider industry and company factors, and negotiate effectively when determining her salary for a potential office position.

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