Ludmila: Hi, Dmitry! Where have you been? I havent seen you for ages. Dmitry: Sorry, Ive been really busy and havent

Ludmila: Hi, Dmitry! Where have you been? I havent seen you for ages.

Dmitry: Sorry, Ive been really busy and havent had much time.

Ludmila: Work in pairs and complete the dialogue, give it a title, then act it out.

Dmitry: That sounds like a great idea! Lets come up with a title first.

Ludmila: Hi, Dmitry! Long time no see. Where have you been all this time?

Dmitry: I have been incredibly busy and havent had a moment to spare.

Ludmila: Dmitry, I havent seen you for ages! Where have you been hiding?

Dmitry: Sorry, Ive been really busy and havent had much time.

Пошаговый ответ:

breathe. I’ve been juggling work, school, and family responsibilities.

Ludmila: Oh wow, that sounds overwhelming! It’s important to find a balance between all those things.

Dmitry: You’re absolutely right. It’s been challenging, but I’ve been managing.

Ludmila: So, what exactly have you been busy with?

Dmitry: Well, I’ve been working part-time at the local grocery store to save up for a new computer. It’s been taking up most of my evenings and weekends.

Ludmila: That’s impressive! Working and saving money for something you want shows great determination.

Dmitry: Thank you! It hasn’t been easy, but I know it will be worth it in the end.

Ludmila: Besides work, have you also been studying?

Dmitry: Yes, I have. I’m currently in my final year of high school, so I’ve been studying hard to prepare for my exams.

Ludmila: That’s understandable. Your education should be a top priority. I’m sure all your hard work will pay off.

Dmitry: I hope so. It’s been quite stressful, but I’m doing my best to stay motivated.

Ludmila: I believe in you, Dmitry! Just remember to take breaks and take care of yourself along the way.

Dmitry: You’re right, self-care is important too. I’ll make sure to schedule some leisure time to relax and recharge.

Ludmila: That’s great to hear. So, now that we have caught up, would you like to do something fun together?

Dmitry: Absolutely! It’s been too long since we’ve hung out. How about we go for a hike this weekend?

Ludmila: That sounds amazing! It’ll be a great way to take a break from all the busyness and enjoy nature.

Dmitry: I couldn’t agree more. Let’s make sure to plan all the details later.

Ludmila: Perfect! We’ll come up with a title for our dialogue, rehearse it, and perform it in class.

Dmitry: I’m looking forward to it! Our dialogue will show the importance of finding balance and taking time for ourselves.

Ludmila: Absolutely. It’s a valuable lesson for everyone. Let’s make it a memorable performance.

Dmitry: We definitely will. Thanks for suggesting this activity, Ludmila. It’s great to have such supportive friends.

Ludmila: Of course! That’s what friends are for. We’ll make this project a success together.

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