Beschreibe ein Tier. Schreibe den Text in dein Heft und lies ihn vor. Sammle die Texte auf einem Plakat. Denke nach

Beschreibe ein Tier. Schreibe den Text in dein Heft und lies ihn vor. Sammle die Texte auf einem Plakat. Denke nach. Was ist, wenn man nachdenkt!? — Was ist, wenn ich überlege? der Tiger das Pferd die Katze — Ich besitze einen Hamster. Er heißt Kusja. Mein Hamster ist vier Jahre alt. Er ist von großer Größe. Er ist braun und weiß. Er mag Salat. Mein Lieblingstier ist der Tiger. Er ist groß und kräftig. Der Tiger stammt aus Asien. Ich mag Tiger . Ich mag auch Pferde. 30

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As we can see from the task, we are asked to describe an animal and write a text about it. We should then read it aloud and collect the texts on a poster. After that, we are supposed to think and reflect on the question «What happens when you think?» Let’s get started!

First, let’s choose an animal to describe. We have three options: the tiger, the horse, and the cat. In addition, the person who wrote the task mentioned that they have a hamster named Kusja. We will include the hamster in our text as well.

Let’s start with describing Kusja, the hamster. We can write:

«I have a hamster named Kusja. He is four years old and has a big size. Kusja has a brown and white fur color. He really likes to eat salad.»

Now, let’s move on to describing the tiger:

«My favorite animal is the tiger. Tigers are known for their large and powerful build. They have a majestic appearance. Tigers are native to (here you can mention the country where tigers come from, for example, India). They have a beautiful fur pattern with orange, black, and white stripes. Tigers are carnivores and their diet mainly consists of meat.»

Next, let’s describe the horse:

«Horses are magnificent animals. They are known for their beauty and grace. They come in various sizes and colors. Horses are herbivores and eat grass, hay, and grains. They have a strong bond with humans and are often used for transportation, farming, and sports.»

Lastly, let’s describe the cat:

«Cats are one of the most popular pets in many households. They are known for their independent and curious nature. Cats come in various sizes, colors, and breeds. They are carnivores and need a diet rich in protein. Cats are known for their agility and hunting skills.»

Now that we have written our texts about the different animals, we can read them aloud and share them with others. We can write them on a poster and collect all the texts in one place.

Finally, let’s reflect on the question «What happens when you think?» When we think, we engage our brains in processing information, analyzing situations, and making decisions. It is a process of mental activity where we evaluate different possibilities, consider consequences, and come up with solutions. Thinking helps us understand the world around us, solve problems, and make informed choices.

To summarize, we have described different animals such as the hamster, tiger, horse, and cat. We have written detailed texts about their characteristics, diet, and other information. We have also reflected on the process of thinking and its importance in our daily lives.

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