1. The north-east of England was famous for its shipbuilding industry. 2. A man can leave his job and look for another

1. The north-east of England was famous for its shipbuilding industry.
2. A man can leave his job and look for another one that suits him.
3. Some farm workers get most of their work in summer.
4. She explains how she had lost her job.
5. A nations wealth depended on its owning precious metals.
6. Merchants were people who made their money through buying.

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and selling goods. 7. The teacher asked the students to write a summary of the book. 8. The children were excited to go to the amusement park. 9. He studied hard for the exam and got a good grade. 10. The weather forecast predicts rain tomorrow.

1. The north-east of England was famous for its shipbuilding industry because it had access to natural resources like timber and iron ore, as well as skilled workers who specialized in shipbuilding. The region’s geographic location also made it ideal for shipbuilding, as it had easy access to ports and trade routes.

2. A man can leave his job and look for another one that suits him because in many countries, individuals have the freedom to choose their own career paths and job opportunities. If a person is not satisfied with their current job, they have the ability to quit and search for employment that better aligns with their skills, interests, and preferences.

3. Some farm workers get most of their work in summer because summer is the peak season for farming activities. During this time, crops need to be planted, cultivated, and harvested, which requires a large workforce. Additionally, the weather conditions in summer are usually favorable for agricultural work, allowing farmers to maximize their productivity.

4. She explains how she had lost her job because something occurred or circumstances changed which resulted in her losing her employment. This could be due to factors such as downsizing, company restructuring, lack of performance, or any other reason that caused her position to be eliminated or her contract to be terminated.

5. A nation’s wealth depended on its owning precious metals because in the past, owning precious metals such as gold and silver was seen as a sign of wealth and power. These metals were highly valued and used as a medium of exchange, store of value, and unit of account. Nations that had access to abundant precious metals had the means to build strong economies and exert influence over other countries.

6. Merchants were people who made their money through buying and selling goods because they played a crucial role in trade and commerce. Merchants would acquire goods from producers and sell them to consumers, making a profit from the difference in price. Their ability to identify profitable goods, negotiate deals, and manage supply chains allowed them to accumulate wealth and establish successful businesses.

7. The teacher asked the students to write a summary of the book to assess their reading comprehension and ability to condense the main ideas and key details of the book into a concise form. Writing a summary requires students to identify the central themes, major characters, important events, and overall message of the book, showcasing their understanding of the text.

8. The children were excited to go to the amusement park because amusement parks offer a variety of fun activities and attractions that appeal to children, such as thrilling rides, games, shows, and food options. These parks provide a unique entertainment experience, often associated with joy, laughter, and adventure, making them highly anticipated destinations for young ones.

9. He studied hard for the exam and got a good grade because diligent studying and preparation are often rewarded with positive academic outcomes. By investing time and effort into understanding the material, practicing relevant skills, and reviewing key concepts, individuals increase their chances of performing well on exams and achieving high grades.

10. The weather forecast predicts rain tomorrow because meteorological experts, using a combination of weather models, satellite imagery, and historical data, have observed atmospheric conditions that suggest the likelihood of precipitation. Weather forecasting relies on scientific methods to predict future weather patterns and is continuously updated as new information becomes available.

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  1. 1. А, я знаю, что северо-восток Англии был известен своей судостроительной промышленностью.
    2. Ну, ты же можешь бросить эту работу и искать другую, что тебе больше подходит.
    3. Я знаю, что некоторые фермеры получают большую часть работы летом.
    4. Она объясняет, как она потеряла свою работу.
    5. Как говорят, благосостояние нации зависит от её владениями.


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