1. In order to obtain a better-paying job, Steve requires a …… license. 2. John, who is studying accounting, also holds

1. In order to obtain a better-paying job, Steve requires a …… license.
2. John, who is studying accounting, also holds a position as a ……
3. The majority of bookkeepers are employed in the ……
4. Accountants who promote themselves on television receive increased ……
5. While certain accountants operate independently, others are employed by a …… firm.

Пошаговый ответ:

1. In order to obtain a better-paying job, Steve requires a professional license. This means that Steve needs to acquire a specific certification or qualification in his field in order to be eligible for higher-paying job positions. A professional license ensures that Steve has the necessary skill and knowledge to perform his job effectively and provides employers with assurance of his competence.

2. John, who is studying accounting, also holds a position as a part-time accountant. This means that while John is currently studying accounting, he is also working as an accountant on a part-time basis. This allows John to gain practical experience in the field while studying, which can be beneficial for his future career prospects.

3. The majority of bookkeepers are employed in the financial services industry. Bookkeepers are individuals who are responsible for maintaining an organization’s financial records and ensuring their accuracy. They play a crucial role in managing financial transactions and preparing financial statements. As bookkeeping is a specialized skill, the majority of bookkeepers find employment within the financial services industry where their expertise is in high demand.

4. Accountants who promote themselves on television receive increased visibility and recognition. By appearing in television advertisements or promoting their services through this medium, accountants can reach a wider audience and gain more exposure. This increased visibility can attract more clients and potentially lead to higher earnings for these accountants. Television advertising is an effective way for accountants to market themselves and differentiate their services from competitors.

5. While certain accountants operate independently, others are employed by an accounting firm. Some accountants choose to work independently and offer their services directly to clients. They handle their own client base, manage their own finances, and operate as a self-employed professional. On the other hand, other accountants prefer to work in an accounting firm, where they are part of a team of accountants who collectively service a range of clients. Working in an accounting firm offers accountants the advantage of access to resources, support, and a network of colleagues. It can also provide a sense of stability and structure, as the firm manages client acquisition and administrative tasks.

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Один комментарий

  1. 1. Чтобы получить работу с более высокой зарплатой, Стиву потребуется …… лицензия.
    2. Джон, который изучает бухгалтерию, также занимает должность ……
    3. Большинство бухгалтеров работают в ……
    4. Бухгалтеры, которые продвигают себя по телевизору, получают дополнительные ……
    5. В то время как некоторые бухгалтеры работают


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